Rohde is a German brand, recognised for the quality of materials used, as well as the tradition and long history behind the brand. The roots of the company stretch back to 1862, so it’s no wonder that the shoes are held in such high esteem and can claim to be some of the most well-fitting and soundly designed on the market.
There are options for summer and winter in this versatile brand, so you never have to be without a pair of Rohde shoes.

16 results
Date, new to old
Brand Size
Brand Size
Rohde 5380
Rohde 6812
Rohde 6545
Rohde 6900
Rohde 5878
Rohde 5380
Rohde 5380
Rohde 5380
Rohde 1306
Rohde 6542
Rohde 5930
Rohde 6900
Rohde 6656
Rohde 6031
Rohde 2608
Rohde 1550